Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Deborah and Todd's Wedding

Only a few weeks into 2013 and the year is already off to a great start! Deborah and Todd were married at the St. Regis Monarch Beach. They had so many beautiful details to their wedding day and even had their bulldog walk down the aisle as the ring bearer! At the end of the night they surprised all their wedding guests with a performance from fire dancers.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Decision to Join Team JKP

For the past three years Jim Kennedy and I have been shooting alongside each other again and again. And with his team I have now shot over 100 incredible weddings.  He has supported my entire career as a wedding photographer, since day one, and my business would not be where it is today without his all of his guidance.

So when Jim sat down with Cheryl Sedik and I in December and asked us to join his elite team of wedding photographers the decision was pretty easy. 2013 was coming soon and we needed to make decisions for our careers that would allow us to live out our passion and lead successful wedding photography businesses for years to come.

After coming from such a challenging and tight knit photography program at OU, and then working in several great newsrooms, being part of a photography team just came naturally to me. So why should being on a wedding photography team be any different? Teams help you grow. They push you, to always be better. They give you another mind to lean on for inspiration when your just stuck. And there is no faster way to grow as a photographer than through tough love from others who want to see you at your very best. (I know this for certain.)

The truth is that being part of a team is something I would have otherwise missed out on.

So Cheers to 2013. And here is to our team, team JKP Weddings.

(Cheryl and I at our first Bridal Expo event with JKP)